Teaching children how to know, love, and serve God and their neighbors

VBC Kids

Valley Bible’s vision for “VBC Kids” is to love and train up children rooted in the Gospel that will make Christ known in the Valley and beyond. We currently use The Gospel Project curriculum which goes through the Old and New Testaments all in light of the Gospel of Christ. The curriculum includes hands-on activities as well as videos which make the Bible stories come to life! We want to see these little souls be nurtured in Jesus and love for their neighbor.

Our Children's Ministry occurs every Sunday during the 9:00 service time.

Our prayer for the children at VBC this month is "that they would honor God and respect others, bend their wills to God’s desires and plans, trust God’s sovereign rule over them, faithfully obey God and submit to those in authority over them, and honor their parents and spiritual leaders." (Praying for the Next Generation, Sally Michael)

Praying for VBC Kids

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